Spray Foam Pros Of Mesa

Open Cell Spray Foam Insulation

The key to maintaining a comfortable climate within any building is a high-performance insulation solution. Because the insulation of a building is quietly hidden away behind the walls, it often does not receive enough credit for the role it plays in preventing heat loss or air transfer. Having an excellent HVAC system with poor insulation will only result in overly costly energy bills over the long-term. Spray foam insulation has become one of the most popular residential and commercial insulation solutions over the last few decades thanks to its versatility, effectiveness, and superior insulation properties. Spray Foam Pros of Mesa specializes in open-cell and closed-cell spray foam insulation for homes and commercial buildings throughout Mesa, AZ. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of spray foam insulation, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Types of Insulation 

There are several different types of insulation materials available on the market for both residential and commercial uses. Spray foam insulation has grown increasingly popular due to its many benefits over other options such as batt and roll or loose-fill insulation. Not only does spray foam insulation offer higher insulative properties (R-value), it is also air-tight, moisture-resistant, and cost-efficient over the long-term. Because spray foam insulation lasts longer and insulates better, it delivers better value through saved costs over time.

Differences Between Open-Cell and Closed-Cell

Depending on your needs, as well as your budget, either open-cell or closed-cell spray foam insulation can be a great choice for your home or commercial space. Open-cell spray foam has an insulative property, or R-value, of 3.5, which is higher than blown-in or loose-fill insulation and roughly equivalent to batt and roll insulation. Closed-cell spray foam has a higher R-value of 6.0-7.0, but offers less flexibility due to its rigidity. The advantage of open-celled spray foam insulation is that it can expand to fill nooks and crannies, and other difficult to reach or oddly-shaped areas that can be challenging to properly insulate. Additionally, it is a much lower cost solution than closed-cell spray foam insulation, which makes it ideal for homes in more moderate climates or large spaces that do not require a high degree of climate control.

Spray Foam Insulation Installation

One of the key advantages of both open-cell and closed-cell spray foam insulation is the fast and easy installation process. This type of insulation can be installed in both new builds and existing homes with inadequate insulation. In most cases, the spray foam insulation can be applied through a small hole in the wall, without any need to tear down large sections of wall in an existing home. Our experts will find the best approach to install your open-cell or closed-cell spray foam insulation quickly, efficiently, and with minimal invasiveness.

Book Your Consultation

We understand you want to ensure you make the best choice possible when deciding what type of insulation will meet your insulation goals and long-term needs. Do not hesitate to contact Spray Foam Pros of Mesa to further discuss any questions or concerns you may have. We will be more than happy to provide you with a free consultation and price estimate for you insulation project.